10 Ways To Improve Your Public Speaking

One of the reasons that people want to become an entrepreneur is so that they can execute a vision. Of course, executing a vision takes a tremendous amount of teamwork. There will be moments where you will be expected to inspire and motivate your employees, which will often require speaking in public.
However, there are millions all over the world that are quite afraid of public speaking. In fact, a fear of public speaking may even affect a majority of the population. Here are ten ways that you can work on your public speaking skills.
1. React To The Crowd
You might find public speaking more bearable if you are able to adapt to it in some way. You might notice that the crowd is interested in one topic more than another, or find a joke particular funny. If you make small adjustments depending on how the crowd reacts, you might find public speaking easier.
2. More Personality
No one wants to hear a robotic lecture. They want you to speak on a certain subject in an eloquent and informative manner, but that certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t let your personality shine through. It doesn’t matter whether you are energetic, sarcastic, or playful – incorporate your personality into your speech. Your audience will appreciate the effort, and get to understand your perspective better.
3. Tell Stories
Human beings have been using stories to describe our histories for thousands of years. There’s a certain reason why people love stories, and why they still captivate us through books, comics, and moves. If you use stories to illustrate your point or motivate your audience, it can certainly help the quality of your public speaking. Stories can help drive the point home in a way that other techniques simply cannot.
4. Don’t Just Read A Script
There is nothing wrong with using notes during a speech, but many in the audience might feel disconnected from your speech if you are not maintaining eye contact with them. After all, public speaking means that you are speaking TO people. There’s no reason to keep you head down and read if you want to make sure that your speech is effective. One great method is to keep a general outline in your notes to help you stay on track, without being too “mechanical”.
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5. Use Your Hands
You should study public speakers if you want to get better at public speaking. While that might sound obvious, the truth is that many speakers actually end up gesturing with their hands more than you might think. You may find that using your hands helps you become more comfortable and illustrate your points better. You might want to practice your hand gestures in the mirror, to make sure that they don’t appear too forced or contrived in any way.
6. Grab Attention At The Right Times
Let’s face it: people have shorter attention spans than ever. There’s a good chance that those listening to you might inadvertently think about their family, friends, professional life, or otherwise, during your speech. You should make sure that you grab your audience’s attention immediately at the outset of the speech, and find a way to end on a high note. If you do this, it can help cement your speech in the memory of the listeners.
After all, the “middle” often gets lost, the same way that you might remember the beginning and end of a movie. In an ideal world, the audience will be immersed in your every word, and will absorb every part of your speech. However, if you want to make sure that your public speaking is as effective as possible, you should at least make sure that the beginning and end are captivating.
7. Practice Enough
There are some that might feel as though you should “wing it” when it comes to public speaking if you are scared, as if you will somehow figure it out. However, it’s definitely better to prepare extensively for a public speech.
When you practice, you might find out more about your weaknesses, or notice what points to emphasize. You can practice in front of friends and family, who can point out when you appear to be nervous, or when your speech is getting confusing or draggingon too long. If you practice, you will undoubtedly find out some ways to improve your public speaking skills.
8. Tailor To Your Audience
The best public speakers are thinking about the most valuable things to offer to their audience. What kind of demographic are you speaking to? What do they value? What obstacles do they face? You should certainly be tailoring your material to your audience, and make sure that they have a reason to listen. This, alone, can determine whether your speech is a success or not. One great tip is to make sure that you are relating to your audience from the beginning in order to keep them engaged.
9. Get Comfortable
You should be as comfortable as possible before your public speech, no matter what event is it for. Of course, this means that you should get enough sleep the night before your public speech. In addition, you should make sure that you are not hungry or thirsty before it’s time to speak.
In addition, consider getting to the venue early. You might end up feeling more comfortable the longer that you walk around the venue, and it might transfer to being comfortable during your speech. You might want to schedule some downtime both before and after your speech in order to preserve as much energy as possible for the speech.
10. Check Appearance
You will feel better if you look better, and there’s a good chance that you will speak with more authority if your appearance is sharp. You should consider investing in your appearance to some extent, as your audience might be less inclined to listen to what you have to say if you aren’t professionally presented.
Public speaking certainly isn’t easy, but there are ways to overcome it. Of course, these techniques do take some time and effort, and some might fit your personality more than others. You should utilize the advice that makes the most sense for you, and recognize that public speaking skills can serve you in a myriad of ways. It might take some practice, but you can certainly improve with time.